Friday, December 27, 2013

Dinner & a Movie

I think it's incredible to remain connected with people I've known for so long. These girls & I have been friends since high school. The one in the middle I've known since we were toddlers. We may not see each other too often, but we keep in touch and try to see each other when we're able, so over Christmas Break we got together for dinner and a movie. Dinner was at the Grill House and we were joined by quite a few members of the old crew - Tyler, Sana, Georgia, Peg, and all of their significant others. For the movie the crew got a bit smaller as we headed to M89 to see American Hustle. No matter what we do - extravagant plans or super simple - it's so nice to know that there are simply people I have kept and who have kept me for all these years.

Everyone Knows How Much I Love You

Everyone Knows How Much I Love You by: Kyle McCarthy On Sale 6/23/2020 Talk about self-destruction! Rose is probably one of the most annoyin...