Thursday, February 28, 2013

New Office

Joe&I have combined offices.
We both got promotions,
thus, he's entitled to an office
away from the common space.
And since mine had an opening,
we moved him in.
I honestly like our space...
and I truly love being near him all the time.

Monday, February 25, 2013


Mr.U and his buddies are like little old men.
They sit around playing board games, watching movies, and putting together puzzles.
It cracks me up.
His latest obsession has led to a constant look-out for puzzles both in store and online.
I found him a great one with beer labels and they finished it in one night – staying up till about 5am.
Silly yet adorable.

Promotion Work

I've learned that the word "promotion" mean
"completely swamped all the time" at my office.
I got one and I feel like I work 24/7 these days.
.full workdays on weekends.
.ten hour days at work.
.constant attachment to my e-mail.
It's frustrating.
It'll be worth it in the long run.
I need to keep telling myself that...
someday, when Mr.U&I move away
(to utilize his master's degree)
I'll need to be able to find a job
and the experience I'm getting is necessary.
Sometimes, though, I just want to scream.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


I’ve been in a very crafty mood lately. I attempted to clean my closet out and simply couldn’t get rid of anything, so I decided that I need to make the clothes-I-own the clothes-I-love. Since I also don't like spending money on "trendy clothes," that means some of them need some tweaking.
(I’ve also decided, I need to wear every single item in my closet once before I can ever wear anything again.)
So, I took this pair of ugly pants one of my cousins gave me and sewed them into skinny jeans then did this wild dye job on them. TheBaby told me about this dying technique where you put Elmer’s glue on fabric before dying it, so the places with glue don’t dye… creating a pretty sweet design, which is where the stripes on the left leg came from. With that, I dyed them dark blue, then –after rinsing – I rubber-banded them up and bleached for about 3 hours to white-wash them. May have been a day-long project, but I absolutely love them now and can’t wait to wear them.

Monday, February 18, 2013


...we found one we love
and made an offer.

Beaded Sunnies

So, I’ve had this pair of sunglasses since the summer of 2009 and they’d been my favorite until the bottom of one frame broke. I superglued it back together, but the fix looked pretty tacky, so I quick wearing them. Over the weekend – in a crafting frenzy – I decided to finally do what I’d been wanting and cover them in beads. Throughout the day on Saturday, I put layer-after-layer of superglue over the beads to make sure the beads stay in place. And, once they finally dried, I tried them on and loved loved loved them. I need to get a new case for them – with some wicked padding – but I definitely dig with them.


Over the weekend, I decided to dye this really old pair of khakis I’ve had in my closet for about 10 years. There has been some weird stain on one hip that never seems to come out, so I figured I’d try dyeing them some fun colors instead before parting ways with them. I did the Elmer’s glue trick to create some zig-zag stripes and dyed them green. Then I tie-dyed them with dark brown before spraying them with bleach for fun dots.
I was so excited when they were complete. Mr.U’s mom thought I was so silly for all my hard work, but ended up agreeing that they were worth it. I wore them to work today and loved every minute.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Random Favorites

 Sign for "Jacob&I"
 French-Braided Buns
 My 1st Employer & Med Provider
 Wild Crimpiness
 Super Old Lions Mug
 Felted Slippers from Gma
 Mr.U's Phone Background
Homemade Healthy Chicken Parm for Mr.U

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


So, Mr.U&I decided to give up alcohol for February.
(but I had beer at the Superbowl Party with #BFF, so I have to hold out till St. Patty’s Day now.)
Mr.U decided that he needs to pick up all the seasonal brews he’d want to try so he can have them once his alcohol-free time month has ended.
We both love stouts – particularly coffee&breakfast ones – but recently he’s been getting into IPA’s. He loved Bell’s Two Hearted all summer, which is one of the beers served at Comerica Park, and he’s been trying out some new ones now. I dig the fact that they have a high alcohol content… so I can drink fewer (and fewer calories) and get drunker quicker.


So I took yesterday off to spend with my #BFF.
It had been far too long since we were able to spend a day together, thus it was totally necessary. Mr.U dropped me off at her work on Sunday afternoon. I shopped – and found a great, new top – while she finished up then we headed home to finish the adorable cupcakes she’d made for the SuperBowl Party we planned to attend at a trendy apartment in a classic building downtown with some of #BFF’s new&artsy friends. She made these cute, little toppers for the cupcakes and they all thought they looked just as wonderful as they tasted. Everyone else brought dips&snacks and the apartment owners made a snack-stadium and nachos. We got front row seats to watch the game and crossed our fingers that #BFF’s point-prediction (17-21 Ravens) would win her some prices at work. Unfortunately, she didn’t but we did enjoy BlueMoon&YumYums and got to hang out with some fun, new people.
The next day – we slept till noon and laid around her house while a blizzard took over the outside world. Late in the evening, she took me to the train station and we sat in her toasty car listening to Bruno Mars (trying not to pee) and waiting.
Probably one of the best day’s off I’ve ever taken.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

...Long Time

Young and full of running
tell me where is that taking me?
just a great figure eight
or a tiny infinity?

love is really nothing
but a dream that keeps waking me
for all of my trying
we still end up dying
how can it be?

don't say a word
just come over and lie here with me
'cause I'm just about to set fire to everything I see

I want you so bad I'll go back on the things I believe
there I just said it
I'm scared you'll forget about me

so young and full of running
all the way to the edge of desire
steady my breathing
silently screaming
I have to have you now

wired and I'm tired
think I'll sleep in my clothes on the floor
Or maybe this mattress will spin on its axis
and find me on yours

don't say a word
just come over and lie here with me
cause I'm just about to set fire to everything I see

I want you so bad I'll go back on the things I believe
there I just said it
I'm scared you'll forget about me

don't say a word
just come over and lie here with me
cause I'm just about to set fire to everything I see

I want you so bad I'll go back on the things I believe
there I just said it
I'm scared you'll forget about me

Edge of Desire - John Mayer

Everyone Knows How Much I Love You

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