Saturday, November 23, 2013


Elton john at joe Louis arena
Sadly, my companions were either drunk or silent (as per usual) but I still loved the show. I probably most enjoyed chatting with Bunni's dad over his excitement for me to see Elton just like he had in the 70's. He may not have been the most active performer, but he belted out those classics & brought me right back to my youth and the memories of my dad singing Your Song to me on long road trips. The stage was sweet - the lights at the back changed constantly and sometimes turned into different images and we were lucky to be on the side where Elton's piano was, so our view was great considering the cheap ticket price.
Elton, you enchanted me.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Misc Fall

Fire place & candle in the master
Tryna strip that dark outa my hair
knee high boots & leggings for cold weather
knocking one football out of the tree with another football
trying some local beers with joe
flowers from my mr. before a long weekend
pretty mug i eyed for weeks before purchasing
gel manicure and a glass of wine
...if only it was that easy.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Turning 3

My only nephew turned 3 this past weekend, so Mr.U&I spent the night at his house and woke up bright&early on his actual birthday to celebrate. Before bed, my brother had put his present on top of the kitchen cabinets. In the morning, he was on a stool stretching his arms to reach his birthday present. Clever little 3-year-old ...that's for sure. Later in the day, we celebrated his birthday with a Dinosaur-themed party and his biggest gift was a soccer goal to practice his new favorite score. By evening, he was beat and wanted his only aunt to read him books in his "big boy bedroom" before sleep. We chose a Halloween book from the library ...something about a dance party. I loved the book in the moment, but all I can remember now is my sweet&snuggly nephew intently clinging to his aunt's words. He may turn terrible 2's into terrible 3's, but I love him just the same - and, since I don't see him very often, I never tire of his affection.

Everyone Knows How Much I Love You

Everyone Knows How Much I Love You by: Kyle McCarthy On Sale 6/23/2020 Talk about self-destruction! Rose is probably one of the most annoyin...