Friday, September 30, 2011

Sleepy Bunni

I'd give absolutely anything to wake up next to this beautiful face again.

"It tends to be assumed that someone living a mere 22 years doesn’t have too many life experiences to go off of. Sure, some crazy college stories and maybe a few less-than-tragic breakups, but not many people plan on gaining insight from a girl in her early 20s. I feel, though, that I’ve got quite a bit of the wonderful, the terrible, and the extreme under my belt for my age. The strangest thing about the death of my lover isn’t waking up without her every morning. It isn’t going to a movie with a group of friends and not having her hand to hold through the scary parts. It isn’t going to her apartment and seeing her empty bedroom or going back to her dad’s house and sleeping alone in the bed we shared. It isn’t thinking about the next 20 years of my life and realizing that I’ll never have a wedding with her or a child of hers. The strangeness comes when I look back on those three years in which she was always there."
-Excerpt from the novel I plan to finish someday

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