Saturday, March 31, 2012

Forced Binge

Mr.U&I have decided to make mosaics out of beer caps on our three end tables. We started with the simple thought of random caps all thrown together… then we started “throwing them together” and, of course, the need for more specific designs became painfully apparent. Mr.U loved the orange Oberon caps the best and I like the Heineken&SummerShandy – all options we seemed to have the fewest of. What we had plenty of her domestic brews – Bud Light, Miller Light, Molson, Corona, etc… so we came up with some concepts. A Domestic Table – simply straight rows. And an Irish Table – blacks, whites, Heineken&Oberon. A Clusterfuck Table incorporating all the random caps my brother had collected for us at his bar in downtown Chicago, which could easily be completed. The other two we had to plan out how many of each beer we’d need to drink in order to fill our empty spaces – and [guesswhat] it was a lot of beers. So, I had the brilliant idea of asking for bottle caps at a local bar after we stopped for drinks. The bartender happily gave me a bucket and requested to see the tables once they’ve been completed.
So, now we’ve basically got “white capped” beers left to drink – we’re slowly discovering the few options we have for those and attempting to down at least one nightly so our tables can be show-off-able sooner rather than later.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Pouring Problems

When it rains, it pours.
After an awkward beginning to the week with Mr.U’s mom, we’d finally started chitchatting like roomies. Thursday night we dragged all the garbage from the previous weekend’s cleaning spree out to the curb, then I hopped in my car to start it up for an ole driveway switch-a-roo. Click. Not again. So [at 9pm] we waited for a jumpstart. Of course it wasn’t that simple – the starter needed replacing, thus we towed it about a mile down the street to an auto shop [for free thanks to my entirely necessary AAA membership].
$300 and a good cry-sess later, I had my car back… like I said:
when it rains, it pours.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Starbucks Temptation

There's a Starbucks kitty-corner to my new office and I already know it’s gonna get dangerous - for my wallet, my growing caffeine addiction, and [potentially] my waistline if I let myself get fattyfatty drinks every day.
So far… I’ve been pretty good: one $5 “treat” the 1st day – then $2 Americanos (triple tall with 3 icecubes) for the rest. I really need to bring my coffee pot in, though. Save my pennies and make it as strong as my thumping, little heart desires.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Finger Stacks

My fingers seem to be shrinking
[not sure why]
so I've been stacking my rings to keep them in place.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Panera's Back

I love Panera Bread again.
I have online homework.
I have no wireless at home.
Panera resolves my issues and feeds me soup.
Can't complain.

Employment Town

My new job is located in this adorable, little town outside the city.
I'm very excited to explore it.

New [lasting] Home

It’s a somewhat overwhelming workinprogress, but – so farI love it! I feared the cleaning process would never end at first… our little attic home had become Mr.U’s mother’s timewarp – filled with the life she’d lived before her husband passed away and almost completely untouched as these 6 years passed. We started by emptying the closets – piles of clothes – folded&boxed them all to bring downstairs for sorting. We emptied out the dressers, deep-cleaned every inch of the cobwebbed nooks&crannies, rearranged the furniture, painted, and organized. In one weekend, we packed up the old life that had been lived in the attic and moved our new life up there.
Speaking from experience, I knew how daunting this would be for his mother – hence why I’d requested multiple times that he sit down and have a serious conversation about our plans. Though he claimed he’d done so, she still had a bit of a meltdown as we filled his childhood bedroom with boxes for her to organize and transformed the attic in one short weekend. After a few days of awkward moments between her&I – yes, just the two of us since Mr.U hasn’t moved here yet – she seems to have come to terms with what’s happening. And I’ve agreed to clean out an underutilized storage area up there to move some of the boxes back up without sorting – a middleground I’m completely fine with. After 2 years, it’s still hard to sort through my Bunni Boxes, so I can’t even fathom conquering the sorting project from 25 years of marriage.
Slowly but surely, though, it’s coming along. And I’m falling in love with our cozy, new home. We both agreed his dad would be happy to see the changes, too. Not only do we need a home, but his mother could use some help, company, and organization – so I hope it will be beneficial for both
parties. Now I just need to get the rest of my furniture moved so all my projects can be finished&perfect for Mr.U’s arrival.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

New View

The view from my new home is so different than any view I’ve ever had.
I like it, though.
Especially with this beautiful, spring weather.

Friday, March 23, 2012


The 1st time I left this company: I got a cake, cards, and presents. The 2nd time: a farewell dessert lunch. The 3rd time (now): I’d like nothing but an earlier than 5pm departure time. I can’t say I’ve completely hated this experience – there have been good days, funny days, lots&lots of laid back days – but for the most part, I’m ready for something I actually enjoy with people I genuinely like. I have high hopes for my new position&location as I finally leave “the family business” forever.

Random Food

Cheese Fries from LagerHeadsGreenbean Casserole from my DaddySeseme Bagel with Eggwhites from PaneraSalad with Mexican leftovers from theOfficeFruit Salad with Fruit from AllOverThePlace

All Packed

Somehow – in less than a week – I packed all of my belongings from birth to twenty-three in two vehicles for my big move. Now all I have left is my big furniture, which will have to make their way across the state when I have time to come back and get them. This day needs to go by as fast as possible, cause I’m way too excited to get movin’ to my new home.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Yellow Notes

I found these notes while packing up my room yesterday.I’ve been crying when you’re not looking, so you won’t know how upset I am to leave. I’m not sure why, cause I know out of anyone in my life, you two aren’t gonna judge me – not for my thoughts, clothes, weight, or silly bouts of sadness. You’d think with how easily I can be sassy&sily, that expressing those sad moments wouldn’t be so tough. But they are… I’ve been sad for about a year. Ignoring, running, crying when no ones looking. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been happy too, but never as happy as I’ve been these weeks. I’m so glad I got to spend these weeksish with you. I wish I could stop time and stay here with you two without consequence forever. But… real life is unavoidable… and someday, when I get to be a retiree, I’ll appreciate these moments even more.
Grandma, you’ve taught me since I can remember how to love with such a carefree spirit – unconditional love from deep in my heart even when the recipient may not deserve it. And, though frustrating at times, I adore that trait in both of us.
Grandpa, hearing&seeing your reaction to that movie broke my heart. You’re the strongest man I’ve ever known with the biggest heart to hold it together. Anyone honored enough to hear you speak a word should feel lucky. I could never tell you enough how proud I am to claim you as my grandpa
I’m not sure how I finished it, but these were notes for a goodbye letter I wrote to my grandparents after camping with them in Florida last winter. I can’t even remember how long I stayed, but it felt like a lifetime of perfection. They rented me a yellow bike so we could ride around in the sunshine. We played cards, watched movies, ate my aunt&uncle’s homemade jam&sausages. We laughed so hard my belly throbbed and my cheeks tired from smiling. We’d seen The King’s Speech and it had impacted both of them so tenderly.
I remember packing up Betty at our campsite in Oscar Scherer State Park and feeling the biggest lump of sadness welling up in my throat – I knew how special our moments had been – how rare&pristine. Not every grandchild can share the bonds I’ve come to rely on – not every grandchild can be as lucky as me. My grandpa recoded my giggle on his cellphone – trying to remain big&strong, he’d quietly told grandma how much he’d miss it while I stood outside the camper. His sweet, little words made my heart ache to leave. I meant every word I said in that letter and I’d go back to those moments in a heartbeat if allowed.

Monday, March 19, 2012


- Sadly -
.I’m taking a blog break.
A certain someone ruined it for me with unnecessary critiques&criticisms of the opinions I post on my personal blog
(which drove me to set it to private)
- a setting that feels awkwardly pointless -
.So I’ll simply take a break.
Normally, I’d pride myself on not letting others’ actions get to me
.butunfortunatelythis did.
Maybe because I trusted this person who's now invaded my space...
it may not be physical, but I cherish the space for thoughts inside my head.
I don’t know.
Its just time for a break.
Big changes ahead.
New job.
New home.
I’ll be back.
and - eventually - for good
.Don’t you worry.

19 Picniks

Every time I see this message I get a little panicked
because my photo editing will no longer match

then I smile because it’s happening on my favorite day of the month.Hello, number 19 – you’re so pretty.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

St.Patty's Blur

I’m not sure how to count St.Patty’s day as a success or not. What I remember was fun – 7am wake-up call with carbombs&beer… blurs of green… brownies… frozen pizzas… bags at Waldos… beautiful weather… 2nd wake-up at 6pm… confusion… lots of unexplained cuts&bruises... chinese food. I guess it was good. Mr.U&I were hammered and cried (not the 1st time we’ve done this). He's satisfied with the day, so I guess I am, too. Wish I would have been a little coherent for my last St.Patty’s in theZoo with theGirls… but, it was fun while it lasted.

Spoon Problem

when I see a spoon I like
.I keep it.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Job Adventures

So, I had my 2nd interview today on “the East Side.” I was a little frustrated to take another long drive and potentially not end up with a job, but I had a pretty good feeling and since tomorrow’s St.Patty’s Day, I figured something good needed to happen.
Got off to a great start – beautiful weather in light, afternoon traffic – then, as I fidgeted with my bangs in the rear view mirror, a huge line of haulted traffic snuck up on me and I slammed on the breaks. Stand-still. Oh great. I quickly sent an e-mail to the hiring manager letting her know that I was stuck in an endless line of cars on I-96. She responded with the reason: rollover accident taking both east&westbound down to one lane. So at the first exit I saw, I pulled off and hauled through the backroads running parallel to the highway.Somehow – despite the delay – I made it on time, jumped outa my car, fed the meter, and ran inside. After a short interview with “the boss” he announced he had “no reservations” and I sat down to discuss the details of my new job. Score.
An hour and a half later, I walked back into the sunshine – beaming with excitement&pride. Opened the car, put the key in the ignition, turned it, and: CLICK. Dead battery. In my rush to make my interview on time, I’d left my lights on. Embarrassed, I walked back into my brand new office to ask anyone for jumper cables. My new boss gave a coworker upstairs a ring and a few failed attempts at charging the beast later, I opted to call AAA. Insisting that I don’t wait alone in the unfamiliar city, the three of us hopped across the street for a drink. After a few snide comments&glares from our snotty waitress, we ended up with expired Irish Red’s – which apparently have a 10-year-life according to the manager (bullshit) – just before AAA showed up. A few minutes later, the engine roared, so I locked the doors and ran back to finish my beer with the ladies.
As we paid our tab and packed up to leave, I glanced across toward my car – running and blocked in by a police car. Um, what? Apparently, an unruly citizen had been attempting to save a parking spot for a friend and was being placed under arrest (&/or lectured then given a ticket) and the officers insisted on parking right behind my car. With beer on my breath, we wearily stood back – hoping the cops would decide to move. After 20-minutes, they still simply glanced and gave us the “one moment, please” signal. So, I let the ladies go and continued to wait – eating Pringles and chomping gum.Finally, I was able to leave – 3 hours after I’d “got the job!” – and headed back to theZoo for some rest before St. Patty’s.

Leprechaun Treats

Thursday's Girls' Night had a St.Patty's Day theme..delicious&adorable.

Falling Sky

I watch the heavens but I find no calling.
...something I can do to change what's coming...
Stay close to me while the sky is falling.
...don't wanna be left alone...
.don't wanna be alone.Worlds On Fire - Sarah McLachlan

Matching Green

I'd forgotten that we used to wear matching shirts till #bff mentioned she&#djbf were planning to match.
I'm happy those memories don't constantly lurk in my mind, bunni - that I can enjoy my life with Mr.U without missing all those things "we did."

Thursday, March 15, 2012


The Baby got a puppymonster.
She's so precious&fluffy.

Prepare to Ride

I’m sure it sounds super morbid, but I’ve been trying to prepare myself for the worst with my grandpa – even though he’s had 2.5 good days in a row now. I don’t want my hopes to be soaring high then crash to the earth and shatter if the Lord decides to take him. But, I’ll admit, that my attempt to convince myself ‘I’ll be alright’ proved failing last night as I drove home from dinner with my cousin.
A text from my dad had put me on edge. Why did he want me home? What did he need to say? What didn’t I want to hear? My stomach knotted and my eyes welled the entire route. When the news was good – I burst into tears anyway. Assuming the worst sets me up in advance to accept the things I must – but, obviously, I’d rather my assumptions be wrong.
Successful dialysis and breathing on his own this morning – my family surrounding him to ensure he wakes up calm&comfortable. I currently wait at the peak of the roller costar anticipating the upcoming St.Patty’s Day celebrations.This is one of my grandparents’ many Christmas ornaments.
The little radio gives a news bulletin about Santa being “spotted over head.”
It reminds me of waiting to hear the “Grandpa Updates” right now.

Clover Bar

My brother decided to take Mr.U&I to check out a new bar one of his friend’s recently opened in Chicago called Clover. With its solid wood details, picturesque finishes, wide array of alcohol, and old-school charm (including a vintage cash register) I was immediately enticed by the visual appeal of the old-meets new venue. Without room for a kitchen, the staff got creative with a pizza oven and frozen pizzas on hand and a popcorn machine for snacking – which is both resourceful&necessary. And the seats kept filling as the Saturday night stretched later. We posted up at the bar slamming Irish Carbombs and sipping different beers served by an owner sporting a Detroit Tigers hat – a detail that made Mr.U incredibly happy – before heading out to the Laugh Factory for a comedy show.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Pappy's Review

Couldn't take it.
All the positive comments were lying.
Finally wrote a review.

Silent Updates

These ups&downs in grandpa's updates are killing me.
one day he’s better – the next he’s worse
one day he’s gone – the next he’s back
It’s frustrating to be so far away with so much uncertainty.
Yesterday, we got great news that they removed the pump in his heart and it was beating on its own. He’s also reduced from 100% oxygen to 40%. I texted my grandma – who’s begging me not to accept the job I have a 2nd interview for this Friday in order to come&care for her&gpa – that every single ounce of my love is in Florida. “I can’t wait to tell him that.” She responded and I burst into tears. Her hope gives me hope.
But everyone’s hope makes Mr.U ache. I was frustrated by his simple&subdued responses to my “Grandpa Updates” …then I stopped and thought about it. Six years ago on St.Patty’s Day, he lost his dad to cancer. He’s been through these ups&downs – more often and longer than I’ve been worried for grandpa – and his roller costar ride ended at the bottom. The last thing I want to do at this time of year is make him upset, so I’m trying to direct my worry elsewhere and focus on making Mr.U’s St.Patty’s Day 2012 wonderful. Beer – Brownies – Burritos for all who come to celebrate the holiday with us.
With grandpa’s kidney dialysis today, though, I’m still definitely worried.

What Crêpe?

This past week I had a job interview on “the East Side” and intentionally planned it for Friday so I could visit with some friends in the area afterword. I’m hoping&wishing for this job to come through so I can spend more time with all those I’ve missed and wanted our Friday night on the town to be simply preview of the life I’ll soon be leading.
So, anyway, RickyBobby wanted to take me to a restaurant called What Crêpe?just blocks from the business I’d interviewed with. There was a short wait when we got there, so we sat on a plush, little couch in the entrance and got drinks to sip before eating. The menu was interesting – there were sweet crêpes or savory crêpes pre-designed to chose from or a build-your-own-crêpe option. Since I didn’t want a crêpe with meat or cheese, I built my own vegan crepe with fire-roasted tomatoes, red pepers, olives, and vegan truffle sauce. It was a nice change-up meal and pretty tasty.
Whether I was in love with the food or not, though, I definitely dug the inside of the restaurant. It was teeny – probably only seating about 15 people at a time – with mix&match tables, chairs, plates, silverware and eclectic artwork covering the dimly-lit walls. Exposed beams&vents complimented the rich, wood floors in a mesh of vintage&industrial and the bathroom was like a secret nook with stones in the sink basin for a soothing atmosphere.
I look forward to exploring more of the area – if I get the job!

Everyone Knows How Much I Love You

Everyone Knows How Much I Love You by: Kyle McCarthy On Sale 6/23/2020 Talk about self-destruction! Rose is probably one of the most annoyin...