by: Matthew Dicks

“To Do
Don’t ever die.
Read faster.”
This book, written entirely in the form of lists, was very interesting and refreshing. Daniel was, at times, infuriating.
His lists were:
- sometimes silly
- sometimes emotional
- sometimes useless
- often hilarious.
10. “We lie to the people we love the most to protect them from the worst parts of ourselves, which is true but also f*cking bullsh*t.” - 21 Truths About Love list
I will say that I hope my husband never lies to me as much as Daniel lies to Jill about their finances, but I do hope my husband follows his dream like Daniel with his bookshop.
“Bookshop” = quaint, privately owned
“Bookstore” = corporate, soulless - Important note in language list
Also, as a woman with a former partner who’s deceased, I hope I’m sensitive to the mention of said partner in future relationships as I often found myself feeling sad for Daniel and his struggle to cope with his wife’s dead first husband. Which leads me to the fact that this book had a lot of deep topics- very impressive for a book made up of only lists.
* “When your wife dies, people look at the space where she used to be instead of at you.” - Three hours with Bill Donovan list
I am thoughroughly impressed with Matthew Dick’s writing style. This book is a quick read while maintaining both humor and heartbreak.
I’d recommend this book to:
- anyone “starting over”
- anyone following their dream
- anyone starting a family
- anyone who’s lost a partner
- anyone in love with someone who’s lost a partner
- anyone who loves lists.
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