This season, I’ve had the honor of attending two Lion’s games. Never having been to Ford Field, I was so excited to attend my first game – and it wasn’t just any game, it was the first ever Lion’s Monday Night Football game at Ford Field. Amazing. Even more amazing: if I wouldn’t have gotten absurdly drunk, kicked out, and lost [alone] in downtown Detroit.
Live and learn, though, and since I did live through the first one, [against all odds] I made it a goal to behave for the next. My “Lion’s Date” deserves more from me than a blacked-out shitshow falling all over Section 240. And the atmosphere in that stadium is well worth the lack of liquid-fun.
Even with the loss last Sunday, there’s something about football fans that makes me really happy – especially fans who finally get to watch their beloved team have a good season.

Gotta Love this season were having. And to me thats the most exciting part of thanksgiving day...Lions Football. I had a similar expierience on a Monday night football game against the Oakland Raiders....we ended up getting in a brawl after the game and I left with a gash in the back of my head from someone hitting me when I wasnt looking. Ugggh...So yeah I agree...the game deserves better behavior than a bunch of drunks acting stupid. :)