Why the hell do I let myself stay caught up?
The world is full of selfish bitches and I am most certainly one of them.
If I so deeply hate when others dwell on their problems then I should probably let go of my own. And one of my biggest problems just so happens to be how much I critique others’ issues.
Why the fuck do I care?
I shouldn’t be affected if someone wants to aim their stress at something I would never stress about. I shouldn’t be irritated by someone else’s organizational skills or levels of cleanliness (unless it directly affects my health). I shouldn’t wonder why someone deals the way they do or assess alternative reactions that I won’t have the balls to propose anyway.
So I suppose what I’m trying to say – in a very broken, round-about way – is that I’m attempting to focus on me (Not MeMeMe AllDay EveryDay) and my own issues instead of everyone else’s. Their lives are their lives and my life is my life and my stress should revolve around the things I can control – not the things that make me wonder.
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