It’s not that my parents never gave me anything – I was just raised not to expect too much. I knew how hard they worked for the things they could afford, so I never wanted to guilt them into going above&beyond their means. When I started driving – I got a job to fill my gas tank. When I wanted expensive clothes – I saved to shop or waited for my birthday. When I wanted fast food or a restaurant dinner with friends – I never held my hand out for mommy&daddy’s money… they’d stocked up the kitchen, so if I wanted something else, it was on me. I didn’t go home for weekends in college and have them fill up Betty before heading back – with my parents, its always been about their company&love, not what/how much they’ll give me.
Mr.U’s mom, though, has few expenses and a well-paying job. Thus, she’s very generous with her money. She wants to bring home dinner for us, hand out bills to blow at the casino, make sure we’ve got extra for gas&drinks. And I’m simply not used to it. “It’s more rude in her eyes for you to say ‘no’ all the time, dear.” he explained the other night on the phone, “my mom likes to give you money.” So, I’m trying to learn to say “yes.” Not too often – not too eagerly. But change my mindset from never-accepting-a-handout and realize that it’s not always a-matter-of-taking-advantage.
Mr.U’s mom, though, has few expenses and a well-paying job. Thus, she’s very generous with her money. She wants to bring home dinner for us, hand out bills to blow at the casino, make sure we’ve got extra for gas&drinks. And I’m simply not used to it. “It’s more rude in her eyes for you to say ‘no’ all the time, dear.” he explained the other night on the phone, “my mom likes to give you money.” So, I’m trying to learn to say “yes.” Not too often – not too eagerly. But change my mindset from never-accepting-a-handout and realize that it’s not always a-matter-of-taking-advantage.

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