I've driven through Eastern Market, but I've never truly experienced it. After brunch in downtown Detroit, though, Syd&I decided to head out to Eastern Market to pick up some flowers and look for goodies.
It was mostly a good time.
We looked at rows&rows of plants and table after table of fruits&veggies. We went into a cute, little antique shop where I found a cool, old saw to decorate with and admired the fun&unique architecture of the market buildings.

I saw "mostly a good time" because the strangest thing happened when we were walking in. We parked a few blocks away and as we were strolling past a storefront who's door I was admiring this woman came running down the middle of the street with a flat of flowers in her hands yelling, "Get him!" "Call the police!" "That son of a bitch!" ...that's when we noticed that the man who'd been standing by the car outside the storefront we'd been gazing at was actually stealing from her car! By the time we realized, the man had disappeared and the woman claimed he hadn't gotten anything. I'm not trying to be rude, but just because you're at a pleasant farmer's market on a sunny Saturday afternoon doesn't mean you've fallen into a thief-free society and should leave your doors unlocked... Sad, but true.
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