I’ve become pathetically attached to Mr.U. I actually missed him over the holiday weekend and couldn’t wait to get to his house Tuesday morning to exchange our presents and have breakfast before our friends arrived for the Western Michigan vs. Purdue bowl game at Ford Field. He’d started a fire and set out all the goodies for hot chocolate – quietly reading the paper, he waited for my 7:50am arrival. I just wanted to snuggle him, but I also couldn’t wait for him to open his gifts and I was, of course, excited to see what he’d found for me.

a book on Michigan Architecture
a bottle of local Riesling
a Victoria’s Secret Gift Card
a vintage Detroit Lion’s hoodie
All wonderful gifts. I think, though, more than the purchased items, I loved playing house with Mr.U. We giggled and slid around the living room in our socks – playing chase and jumping over the couches. Knitting in front of the fireplace – discussing our plans and the weather. Sneaking kisses and nuzzling under his arm. Suppressing the smile throbbing under my cheeks in the early morning silence. Thinking about the endless mornings I wouldn’t mind spending this way…

“You make me incredibly happy, Mr. I hope you plan on keepin’ it up for a freakishly long time.”

a book on Michigan Architecture
a bottle of local Riesling
a Victoria’s Secret Gift Card
a vintage Detroit Lion’s hoodie
All wonderful gifts. I think, though, more than the purchased items, I loved playing house with Mr.U. We giggled and slid around the living room in our socks – playing chase and jumping over the couches. Knitting in front of the fireplace – discussing our plans and the weather. Sneaking kisses and nuzzling under his arm. Suppressing the smile throbbing under my cheeks in the early morning silence. Thinking about the endless mornings I wouldn’t mind spending this way…

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