I’m always bragging up my friends, I know, but this weekend they were exceptionally helpful. After an incredibly stressful week of sleepless nights in the library, the last thing my exhausted self could take was car problems. Thus, after a Saturday evening dinner & movie marathon (unfortunately accompanied with an awful migraine headache) I felt completely defeated with my car’s inability to start-up and take me home. Frustrated, I called a girlfriend who’d just left. “Of course I’m turning around to come get you.” A mind-easing solution since all I wanted was nighttime cold medicine and my own warm, comfy bed. After my 12-hours of rest, though, I realized that I needed to get back to the car to see if it would start the next day. “Of course we’ll pick you up.” exclaimed the two friends who’s apartment my car silently sat at. “Of course I’ll try to jumpstart it.” “Of course I’ll call my dad for advice.” “Of course you can come inside while you wait for AAA.” I even got a “did you make it home safely?” call after it finally started. Not every girl is so lucky to have friends who care so much.

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