Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Chinese Fire

Monday, July 30, 2012
So, we’re all standing in the living room of Mr.U’s frat house Saturday night when we hear&feel a loud&hard thump from outside. Running around the corner of the house, we find a motorcyclist standing over his sideways&downed motorcycle and a distinct waft of gas lingered in the air. We quickly realized that the gas line was broken and spewing out around us. Mr.U and the advisor ran to tell everyone in the house and call Consumer’s Engery – who actually hung up on us thinking any call from a frat house must be a joke. Once the police were called, though, the complaint was taken seriously and “the village” was quickly crawling with 7 police cars, 5 fire trucks, and an ambulance with a tall&serious cop yelling£ing on the frat doors to evacuation. Before the craziness, the motorcyclist and his friends had pushed his broken bike away. Unfortunately for him, we’d gotten a great description and watched where he went, so he was quickly found. Finally, the Consumer’s Energy van pulls up – along with a news reporter – all the while the party-goers were drinking beer&shots in the parking lot, waiting for the excitement to die down. After a couple interviews and a few too many screams of “Gas Leak 2012!” we were given the “all clear” to head back inside, finish getting ready, and head out to the bar for the Going-Away party we’d all planned to attend. And, of course, while we all slept off our hangovers the next day, pictures of our house and stories of the accident were running through the newspapers.

Family Reunion
This weekend was the memorial for my great grandma, which basically turned into a family reunion. My little nephew was there being as adorable as ever and my dad was manning the grill to perfect burgers for the entire crew. Some relatives I’d never met came out of the woodwork and some of my grandma’s old friends charmed me with stories&photos. The weather was beautiful. The food was delicious. Another successful day at my grandma&grandpa’s.

Daily Nails
Going to China Nails
4th of July Nails
Tigers Game Nails
Bunni Weekend Nails
King's Birthday Nails

Saturday, July 28, 2012
Den Pop, I love you.
The Den.
A staple in my college town.Sweet “I Love The Den – Home of the Den Pop” t-shirts.
Denwiches piled high with toppings.
And HUGE fountain sodas for under $1.
I genuinely love The Den.
And seriously crave Den Pops.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Incognito Clutch

Couldn’t pass it up.
It’s actually got some cute, useful pockets inside, which made it even better.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Friendship Connections
Some people will never understand what you’ve been through – how you dealt – and who was by your side. And that’s fine with me. I almost appreciate that unavoidable ignorance – it’s a great back-up excuse when I can’t justify the irrational reactions of those who “just don’t get it.” They weren’t there.
As I’ve gotten older, I’ve encountered different trials&situations with different groups of people. My college girlfriends will never know the high school girl who genuinely stressed about yearbook editing while rocking purple hair and homemade skirts. Just like my high school girlfriends will never know the girl who stressed about sorority recruitment while rocking 6-inch stilettos and white pearls. And neither crew will know the girl who comes home every night to make her boyfriend dinner while rocking boy shorts and mickey slippers.
High school girls watched me struggle with weight problems and an emotionally abusive dad. College girls watched me lose my lover and most of my drive in life. High school girls watched my fall off tables in garages after too many shots of 5’oclock. College girls watched me fall off bar stools after too many shots of patron. Every girl in all my groups has found the connection that
links them to me – and no two connections are the same. Just because they all witnessed these certain events at certain times doesn’t mean any of them accepted of interpreted them a certain way.
It is in those details that we form relationships. Some people can’t handle my opinion, some probably don’t even hear them, and some listen and move on. Some friends I’m positive will always answer my phone calls, some will call right back, some aren’t even worth leaving voicemails. Some have seen my worst, some have brought out my worst, and some will never deserve either.
The point is: we learn these things – at least I have – that over time observations will be made, opinions will be formed, knowledge will be gained – and only those there in the moments will ever understand them.
So when new friends, boyfriends, coworkers find their way into your world they haven’t been there yet. They won’t understand why you defend certain mistreatment then overreact about someone else’s actions. They won’t understand how you can leave someone’s name out of a month’s worth of conversations and still call her your best friend. They won’t understand why
you need to consult each other – even when you don’t agree. They just won’t understand. And that’s that – that’s all there is to it. And if you can keep your head on straight about your own understanding, the rest will eventually make sense.
As I’ve gotten older, I’ve encountered different trials&situations with different groups of people. My college girlfriends will never know the high school girl who genuinely stressed about yearbook editing while rocking purple hair and homemade skirts. Just like my high school girlfriends will never know the girl who stressed about sorority recruitment while rocking 6-inch stilettos and white pearls. And neither crew will know the girl who comes home every night to make her boyfriend dinner while rocking boy shorts and mickey slippers.
High school girls watched me struggle with weight problems and an emotionally abusive dad. College girls watched me lose my lover and most of my drive in life. High school girls watched my fall off tables in garages after too many shots of 5’oclock. College girls watched me fall off bar stools after too many shots of patron. Every girl in all my groups has found the connection that
links them to me – and no two connections are the same. Just because they all witnessed these certain events at certain times doesn’t mean any of them accepted of interpreted them a certain way.
It is in those details that we form relationships. Some people can’t handle my opinion, some probably don’t even hear them, and some listen and move on. Some friends I’m positive will always answer my phone calls, some will call right back, some aren’t even worth leaving voicemails. Some have seen my worst, some have brought out my worst, and some will never deserve either.
The point is: we learn these things – at least I have – that over time observations will be made, opinions will be formed, knowledge will be gained – and only those there in the moments will ever understand them.
So when new friends, boyfriends, coworkers find their way into your world they haven’t been there yet. They won’t understand why you defend certain mistreatment then overreact about someone else’s actions. They won’t understand how you can leave someone’s name out of a month’s worth of conversations and still call her your best friend. They won’t understand why
you need to consult each other – even when you don’t agree. They just won’t understand. And that’s that – that’s all there is to it. And if you can keep your head on straight about your own understanding, the rest will eventually make sense.
Unfriendly Announcements
Today, I am making the conscious decision not to make all important announcements via facebook. I’m sure I’ll eventually publicize things, but before just throwing some pictures up on the mini-feed, I’d like to send out engagement announcements, baby announcements, etc snail mail style – obviously if and when any big things happen far far down the road.
I realize life is busy now and people live all over the place – and I’m definitely away that facebook is the easiest connection these days. But for the people I really value, I’d rather be more personal, cause it makes me much less excited for friend’s announcements when I just happen to run across them on facebook.

No Change
If I’ve learned one thing it’s:
I can only accept the things I cannot change.
In people – at least.
And if I can’t accept
– I’ve got to let them go –
cause people don’t change.
In people – at least.
And if I can’t accept
– I’ve got to let them go –
cause people don’t change.
If I accepted someone in the first place
then I should be able to accept what comes after
then I should be able to accept what comes after
let go.

Life (on the other hand) is a whole other story.
I can choose to accept issues or change them.
I can choose to accept issues or change them.
Not dwell on them.
Outback Girls
Last night a bunch of the girls met at Outback Steakhouse at a halfway point across the state to have dinner and spend a couple hours with Barbie while she was traveling for work.
It’s wild to me how easily we can all fall back into each other just like old times – like the months we’d all spent in separate towns melted away and we were all back in the swing of our normal girls nights.
We’re were loud&wild – laughing&gossiping – taking over the lobby for pictures&poses filled with hugs&smiles.
The night was such a tease, though. Being with the girls just made me miss them more. It’s strange to go from living just down the hall from your favorite people for years then attempt to thrive on the energy of one night’s dinner until “next time.”
.my #bff’s little margarita tree.

(in honor of National Tequila Day)
Monday, July 23, 2012
Station Ruins
Mr.U&I were taking a detour from downtown today to avoid traffic&construction. Out of nowhere, we found ourselves in front of the Old Train Station – a building I’ve marveled at from the highway, but haven’t seen up-close&personal. It’s absolutely breathtaking. I wish its owner would fix it up, but rumor-has-it that he never will.

Gameboy Spoils
Mr.U decided this weekend that he needed a Gameboy. Justification: so he could play Pokémon on breaks at the office. But, since he got to spoil himself with an expensive toy, I got the same amount of money to spoil myself. Unfortunately, I’m awful at spending money, so I bought a couple of clearance items and a smoothie and put the rest in my bank to spend later.

This weekend was Mr.U’s best friend’s Going-Away Party before him and his girlfriend (my VPBF) move to China for a year. We stopped for some “China Beer” before the party and enjoyed it during the grill-out where the guys played 500 in the front yard (rather competitively for Saturday afternoon fun) prior to Pokémon-drinking-game-time. After we’d all had quite a few beers, we walked over to a house-party where Mr.U got super trashed, cried, and needed to be walked back home. A couple fields and super dark streets later and we made it to Mr.U’sBF’s house. Not allowed to go in before the others returned, we hunkered down in the back of the jeep for a cold, hard night of sleep in the driveway. When we woke, the jeep wouldn’t start. Once we got it jumped, Chinese buffet with the boys was in order.
Interesting&Adventurous “Last Weekend.”

Friday, July 20, 2012
Starbucks Christmas
I made a quick, mid-afternoon Starbucks run yesterday for a quick caffeine pick me up. All I wanted was a simple-triple-tall-non-fat-latte, but I got in line behind two teeny-tiny Asian women struggling awkwardly with the menu. The barista tried his hardest to help them – deciphering their questions and meticulously answering. When they got their order, though, they were confused. They were expecting something bigger – yes, bigger than their grande frappuccinos that dwarfed their arms – and two blended green ones instead of one blended and one plain (at least that’s what I gathered from their broken&frustrated comments). Everyone kept a smile on, though – the baristas and the customers – throughout the whole confusing ordeal. Suddenly, the two women smiled&nodded then walked away. Puzzled, we all moved on from the moment and I waited for my latte. When the barista turned from his station with another grande, green-tea frappuccino in his hands, he was shocked to see I’d taken the place of the other two.
“I thought they wanted another one.”
“Um… well… they left.”
He sighed as he finished topping the whipped cream mountain.
“If you’re going to throw it away, though, I’ll pay for it and take it – I’d hate for it to go to waste.”
“Well, if in 5 minutes, they haven’t taken it, you can just have it.”
“Ok.” I wasn’t about to turn down a free drink, but 5 minutes was kind of long to stand awkwardly waiting to grab it.
“They’re gone-gone, I promise. Just take it.” said the manager – a man who sees me at least once a week.
“Wow, thanks! It’s like Christmas! Starbucks Christmas!” I squeaked with a grin and all the baristas chucked. As I walked out with my two drinks, I passed by the manager one more time.
“Merry Christmas!” I said.
“Merry Christmas to you, too!”
“I thought they wanted another one.”
“Um… well… they left.”
He sighed as he finished topping the whipped cream mountain.
“If you’re going to throw it away, though, I’ll pay for it and take it – I’d hate for it to go to waste.”
“Well, if in 5 minutes, they haven’t taken it, you can just have it.”
“Ok.” I wasn’t about to turn down a free drink, but 5 minutes was kind of long to stand awkwardly waiting to grab it.
“They’re gone-gone, I promise. Just take it.” said the manager – a man who sees me at least once a week.
“Wow, thanks! It’s like Christmas! Starbucks Christmas!” I squeaked with a grin and all the baristas chucked. As I walked out with my two drinks, I passed by the manager one more time.
“Merry Christmas!” I said.
“Merry Christmas to you, too!”

PostSecret.com Speaks
I could never allow myself to do this.

If I can’t speak to you – I can’t know you.
No matter how much it hurts.
Living vicariously through social media has made a sad excuse of the term “relationship.”
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Perfect Muffins
I’m back on a muffin making kick.
Mr.U likes to take them to work for breakfast,
so I keep adding healthy options to FiberOne muffin mixes to create new versions.
I made the PERFECT batch tonight:
And they rose into perfect little bubbles.
So good.
So adorable.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Monday, July 16, 2012
Oldies' YOLO
Now that my grandpa is up&runnin’ again, he’s been spoiling himself and my grandma like crazy. They both got brand new iPads and sit next to each other on the porch of their old, farmhouse playing word-searches and scrolling facebook. They’ve been treating people to dinner, having anyone over whenever anyone wants to come, and making sure they enjoy all the little moments. The ultimate spoil came in the form of a Mitsubishi convertible, though, with a personalized license place of grandma’s name. Now the keep finding excuses to go for drives. And all I can think is: after 74 years of life and 53 years of marriage, they can do whatever they like. They’ve got a YOLO sticker on their truck and more toys&gadgets than any couple actually needs, but who cares – they’ve made it this far with surprisingly few bumps and bruises, so I approve of anything that continues their happiness.

Eastern Market
I’ve looked at maps of the neighborhoods in my new City – heard stories&descriptions – but I haven’t done a ton of exploring yet. The other day, I’d made it downtown too early to pick up Mr.U, so I took a drive through Easter Market. It wasn’t what I had pictured. A cute, hippie-ish area with lots of people riding bikes around the fruit&veggie stands and little shops. But, like any neighborhood in this City – it only takes a one-block turn to find a crumbled building covered in graffiti. I hope someday every area is as quaint as those neighborhoods starting to develop&thrive.

Rooftop Girls
After my wonderful day with Bunni’s dad I headed over to RickyBobby’s to go out with her and some of her friends in my OfficeTown. After throwing on one of her dresses and synching it up with a belt, we were off to pick up the crew of girls. First we went to a trendy pool hall named Fifth Avenue for some mixed-drinks on the dance floor then we wandered across the street to a more low-key bar, Woody's, with a fun, rooftop deck. We had some interesting conversations with some drunk “hokey players” and escaped into the downstairs just before a rainstorm. We were happy to run into some people we knew – and happy to ignore others we didn’t plan to run into.
All in all – a great girls night.

Kitchen Smells
My little basement office had a power issue when I got in today and I had to go to the bar above us for access to the breakers. Walking through the kitchen and store room, I couldn’t help but miss Disney World and my food&beverage service home at the Caribbean Beach Resort.
the smells – the lighting – the whole atmosphere
immediately took me back to days in my blue, floral shirt and high-waisted khakis.
I want to go back.
If Mr.U decided we should move to Florida, I’d be eternally happy&excited.
the smells – the lighting – the whole atmosphere
immediately took me back to days in my blue, floral shirt and high-waisted khakis.
I want to go back.
If Mr.U decided we should move to Florida, I’d be eternally happy&excited.
Bunni's Saturday
I spent Saturday afternoon with bunni’s dad – just like old times.
We had mid-morning coffee and snacked on fruit&beandip before leaving to visit the graveyard. We stopped at the nursery on this way to pick out flowers to plant (a much more difficult task than we’d expected – wandering
down aisle after aisle of flowers) then sat at bunni’s grave digging a hole for the flowers and smoking cigarettes – a perfect way to spend the sunny afternoon in my opinion. “she was so beautiful.” I said. “even with that sly smirk of hers.” he responded and we both giggled down at the picture adorning her headstone. We went back to the house and got in the pool before nestling down in our designated chairs and turning on the Tiger’s game - smoking and drinking coffee. Around the 8th inning, we started on our signature stir-fry dinner and enjoyed that till the Tiger’s sadly&finally lost in the 13th inning. I went in&out of her room – as usual – using her bathroom and grabbing one of my bathing suits from the dresser.
down aisle after aisle of flowers) then sat at bunni’s grave digging a hole for the flowers and smoking cigarettes – a perfect way to spend the sunny afternoon in my opinion. “she was so beautiful.” I said. “even with that sly smirk of hers.” he responded and we both giggled down at the picture adorning her headstone. We went back to the house and got in the pool before nestling down in our designated chairs and turning on the Tiger’s game - smoking and drinking coffee. Around the 8th inning, we started on our signature stir-fry dinner and enjoyed that till the Tiger’s sadly&finally lost in the 13th inning. I went in&out of her room – as usual – using her bathroom and grabbing one of my bathing suits from the dresser.
I always find myself looking through the same drawers, gazing at the same trinkets, resting my hand on the same bed – even though it never changes, it’s kind of a ritual I have. A comfort to exist in her presence – our presence – the room we slept in so many summers ago.
I headed out to meet some friends without having time to watch a movie or spend the night like I had in the past, but it was a pretty great day in one of my favorite places.

Redemption for Friday
Just as I made it up the stairs and away from the mildew wreaking havoc on my basement office, I got a call to come back down. Irritated, I stopped back around the corners to my room to find a huge bouquet of flowers.
“You are wonderful.” - Mr.U
They made the day one million times better. Later Friday evening, we got anniversary cake from Meijer – some type of layered, vanilla-bean cheese&white cake. Friday turned out to be a wonderful day.

“You are wonderful.” - Mr.U
They made the day one million times better. Later Friday evening, we got anniversary cake from Meijer – some type of layered, vanilla-bean cheese&white cake. Friday turned out to be a wonderful day.

Friday, July 13, 2012
Indoor Rain
I got into my basement office this morning and a damp&disgusting scent hit me in the face. As I rounded the corner, I found two of my coworkers hurriedly pulling stuff from our supply room with yellowish water pouring down from the ceiling. The indoor rain started spreading through the dropped-tiles of the basement – little leaks popping up from room to room. By mid-morning we had trashcans all over – collecting raindrops – and trash bags spread all over any boxes we couldn’t get moved. When maintenance showed up, they had no idea how to stop it. And after a specialist finally solved the problem, the stench of moist mold was too much for my allergy-filled head to take. Lucky for me, one of the doctor’s offices was open upstairs, so I got to sit at a nice, big desk with a big bowl of candy to do my work for the day. And when I finished early, I was able to leave early.
Ended up working out well for me.

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