I made a quick, mid-afternoon Starbucks run yesterday for a quick caffeine pick me up. All I wanted was a simple-triple-tall-non-fat-latte, but I got in line behind two teeny-tiny Asian women struggling awkwardly with the menu. The barista tried his hardest to help them – deciphering their questions and meticulously answering. When they got their order, though, they were confused. They were expecting something bigger – yes, bigger than their grande frappuccinos that dwarfed their arms – and two blended green ones instead of one blended and one plain (at least that’s what I gathered from their broken&frustrated comments). Everyone kept a smile on, though – the baristas and the customers – throughout the whole confusing ordeal. Suddenly, the two women smiled&nodded then walked away. Puzzled, we all moved on from the moment and I waited for my latte. When the barista turned from his station with another grande, green-tea frappuccino in his hands, he was shocked to see I’d taken the place of the other two.
“I thought they wanted another one.”
“Um… well… they left.”
He sighed as he finished topping the whipped cream mountain.
“If you’re going to throw it away, though, I’ll pay for it and take it – I’d hate for it to go to waste.”
“Well, if in 5 minutes, they haven’t taken it, you can just have it.”
“Ok.” I wasn’t about to turn down a free drink, but 5 minutes was kind of long to stand awkwardly waiting to grab it.
“They’re gone-gone, I promise. Just take it.” said the manager – a man who sees me at least once a week.
“Wow, thanks! It’s like Christmas! Starbucks Christmas!” I squeaked with a grin and all the baristas chucked. As I walked out with my two drinks, I passed by the manager one more time.
“Merry Christmas!” I said.
“Merry Christmas to you, too!”
“I thought they wanted another one.”
“Um… well… they left.”
He sighed as he finished topping the whipped cream mountain.
“If you’re going to throw it away, though, I’ll pay for it and take it – I’d hate for it to go to waste.”
“Well, if in 5 minutes, they haven’t taken it, you can just have it.”
“Ok.” I wasn’t about to turn down a free drink, but 5 minutes was kind of long to stand awkwardly waiting to grab it.
“They’re gone-gone, I promise. Just take it.” said the manager – a man who sees me at least once a week.
“Wow, thanks! It’s like Christmas! Starbucks Christmas!” I squeaked with a grin and all the baristas chucked. As I walked out with my two drinks, I passed by the manager one more time.
“Merry Christmas!” I said.
“Merry Christmas to you, too!”

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