So, we’re all standing in the living room of Mr.U’s frat house Saturday night when we hear&feel a loud&hard thump from outside. Running around the corner of the house, we find a motorcyclist standing over his sideways&downed motorcycle and a distinct waft of gas lingered in the air. We quickly realized that the gas line was broken and spewing out around us. Mr.U and the advisor ran to tell everyone in the house and call Consumer’s Engery – who actually hung up on us thinking any call from a frat house must be a joke. Once the police were called, though, the complaint was taken seriously and “the village” was quickly crawling with 7 police cars, 5 fire trucks, and an ambulance with a tall&serious cop yelling£ing on the frat doors to evacuation. Before the craziness, the motorcyclist and his friends had pushed his broken bike away. Unfortunately for him, we’d gotten a great description and watched where he went, so he was quickly found. Finally, the Consumer’s Energy van pulls up – along with a news reporter – all the while the party-goers were drinking beer&shots in the parking lot, waiting for the excitement to die down. After a couple interviews and a few too many screams of “Gas Leak 2012!” we were given the “all clear” to head back inside, finish getting ready, and head out to the bar for the Going-Away party we’d all planned to attend. And, of course, while we all slept off our hangovers the next day, pictures of our house and stories of the accident were running through the newspapers.

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