I have no 4th of July fireworks to compare with, but I think the ones in my tiny, vacation town in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula are the best fireworks on earth – besides Disney’s of course. I’ve never spent an Independence Day anywhere else and every year has its changes&strongpoints. Over time, less&less extended family has been able to make it – when I was younger, it was expected that all aunts, uncles, cousins, and family friends converged in the same campground for the same traditions. Now, we’ve added my brothers’ girlfriends and lost some usually family to their spouse's 4th of July plans. This year, though, we had grandma&grandpa there – as usual – after wondering whether or not we’d spend another holiday with him next to us. So, I hunkered down next to grandpa with some locally brewed beer and a glow bracelet in the front yard of our family friend’s house, surrounded by family, and listened to the town party on the bay while we waited for the fireworks show.

They were spectacular – as usual.

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