“Aren’t you sad you can finally hang out again and she’s just napping?”
“I don’t care what she’s doing. I’m just glad she’s here.”
“I don’t care what she’s doing. I’m just glad she’s here.”

We spent a solid half-a-year not talking. She didn’t apologize for something miniscule and I moved away to Florida – once again letting my need for an apology from a friend plant itself in the front of my brain. We’re good now. She’s sorry. We’re both sorry. I can’t imagine my life without her. Had I not been 19hours away – the non-communication could never have lasted that long anyway.
But, yeah, I’m thankful every day for this amazing girl.
Ups&downs&all-arounds – days full of nothingness – nights full of craziness.
She’s pretty legit.
this post made me cry! i love you so much chels, and I love everything you said. I didn't even know about that picture of us! but i really love it, and you sooo much. i really hope that we can schedule a do nothing but together day soon, cause we always find somethinggg to occupy our time. =)