My little nephew turned 1-year-old yesterday. Its got me thinking about the world he’s going to grow up in. Only 22 years separate our childhoods, but I feel like he’ll be raised on a completely different planet. I wonder if my brother & sister-in-law will take him to church – just as we went every Sunday. Will he attend private school like we did? Will he go to the same family vacation spots and see them in the same light that I do?
Probably not.
He already loves to play with cell phones, perking up whenever I get mine out to snap a picture of him. He loves the TV – even though he rarely gets to watch it – and anything with lights&sounds so he can dance&giggle along. He has a million toys that his technologically-advanced hands quickly figure out how to perfect.
His world is going to be completely different.
I hope that he appreciates the country – that someday, he’ll love to go for drives on dirt roads through corn fields. I hope he watches “I Love Lucy” & “Gilligan’s Island” – just like his daddy, uncle, & I did growing up. I hope he reads real books with real paper and real concepts intertwined with passion&art – not the shallow excerpts the developing generation tries to pass off as expression.
I came back to where I started so I could watch him grow up and I hope I’ll do nothing but positive things while his little life moves forward.
Probably not.
He already loves to play with cell phones, perking up whenever I get mine out to snap a picture of him. He loves the TV – even though he rarely gets to watch it – and anything with lights&sounds so he can dance&giggle along. He has a million toys that his technologically-advanced hands quickly figure out how to perfect.
His world is going to be completely different.
I hope that he appreciates the country – that someday, he’ll love to go for drives on dirt roads through corn fields. I hope he watches “I Love Lucy” & “Gilligan’s Island” – just like his daddy, uncle, & I did growing up. I hope he reads real books with real paper and real concepts intertwined with passion&art – not the shallow excerpts the developing generation tries to pass off as expression.
I came back to where I started so I could watch him grow up and I hope I’ll do nothing but positive things while his little life moves forward.

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