When I first moved to FL, I dreamt that she was sitting on my bed when I got home from work – a dream of her in a place she’d never been in life. To me, that means she’d visited where I was living after passing – probably checkin’ out the place…makin’ sure I was comfortable.
We had this song on our playlist that we found on some random mix cd a friend had burnt – we could never figure out the title or artist, but we loved it. When I got my new computer and couldn’t transfer my old music, our playlist quietly remained on the old one and I could never download that song to the new one, cause I couldn’t find it. One night, in the middle of a crying fit, I turned on shuffle on the new computer. Bellowing from the untitled tracks was that song.
Let’s stand back & watch the world fall apart for fun. We could be angels…
My heart stopped. Then I just smiled.
Weird, unexplainable things happen and I chalk it up to her “just sayin’ hi.”
This morning, I looked up the cemetery she’s buried in so I could draw a map for a friend. As I zoomed, a nearby road popped up. Magnolia.
I recall, in my sleep, how you changed my life on Magnolia Street.
That had been another of our songs and, in her suicide note, she’d promised to forever wait for me on Magnolia Street. I once took a roadtrip searching for Magnolia’s… for 500 miles I wound around the country stopping and taking pictures of street signs. Then, this morning – 2 days before the 2 year mark – she showed me another.
Thank you, baby. I love it when you “just say hi.”

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