Campus in the fall is potentially one of my top favorite things in life and this fall just keeps going and going for me to enjoy. This past Sunday I decided to take the puppymonster for a walk. I only
planned to walk through what is known as East Campus, because I’d already worked out and that is closest area to our house, but the day was just
too beautiful to pass up. We ended up walking for a solid three hours – all through campus for miles of colorful trees and my favorite buildings lit by the dim, fall sunshine. We even stopped at the library to say "hello" to Mr.U - who Hazel seems to adore. By the time we headed back toward the big hill home Hazel was plain tuckered-out and anytime I stopped to snap a picture she laid right down on the cool pavement. It was
no surprise when we got home that she literally passed out on the rug next to my bed. She looks at me with more appreciative eyes now, though. I may have invaded her home and walked all over her territory, but I’m slowly winning her over – and getting a lot of exercise while I’m at it.

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