From our view perched above the pit, I watched the crowd in amazement.
rhythmically swaying and pumping their fists in the air
shoving each other around
crowd surfing
throwing water bottles and cups of beer
...not a place I’d like to be, but definitely interesting to observe.
I can see how the fans fell into their mosh-pit-metal-trance, though.

– including Hatebreed, All That Remains, and 5FDP –
seemed like gods on stage.
instructing the crowd when to move and how to react
throwing their arms above their head and looking up toward the heavens
growling out their metal screams while stalking between their bandmates.
I even found myself believing that they had all the answers.
Their heavy breathing and throbbing muscles convinced me that the words they so passionately portrayed were unquestionably true.
I nodded my head, ground my hips against the air, bounced up&down.
Entirely enticed.

My heart pounded with the thunderous thumping under my feet.
They knew how to get me, how to keep me, how to mold me into their follower.
The momentary MindFuck sent me to the stars and back.
Yes, I loved every minute of my Metal Trance.
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