Thursdays are apparently the
only day of the week that
Winter wants to come out and play this season. And,
of course, it is the
one day that I’m absurdly busy with lots of
driving&walking. While most weeks have been bombarded with torrential downpours and high winds – last week: it

My adorable friend made a teeny-tiny snowman on her deck with the few inches of white-fluff that accumulated and I couldn’t help smiling when I walked through my snowy campus all-lit-up at night. Go figure, today –
another lovely Thursday – there’s a chance of snow in the forecast. I don’t even mind, though. The
WinterWonderLand of this Midwestern state I live in will
have to come eventually and I’d
almost say I’m
almost ready for it.
Or ...I'll at least
pretend I am.
that second shot is amazing. great capture!